Seabay Software Developers

Hello my name is Marc A. Hale, I`ve been a firefighter for 18 years and have been a computer programmer for 25 years developing in ColdFusion, Delphi and Android.

ColdFusion website sites currently active and available.

CSI Diversion Control

Controlled Substance Inventory - Diversion Control is a system designed to monitor controlled medications enabled within CSI for Fire Rescue and EMS.

Available to pull medications used on electronic Patient Care Report's (ePCR SafetyPad) containing medications monitored, then completes a bi-directional reconcile to each medbox log.

e-Mail notification's for low medications, reconcile errors and change of ownership's not completed within a 24 hour period. Tracks medication from point of purchase to each medbox and back, Transfer between medbox's, Full chain of custody.

Every entry requires 2 person verification owner and witness. Monitor every medbox/unit counts, medications used, damaged or lost/missing or stolen and expired counts on hand.

Fully client configurable ie: add new medication to track or disable on the fly, auto initialize new medications, create your own dashboard of groups with e-mail notifications. Multiple reports available, Just to name a few items Controlled Substance Inventory can do.

Meets current DEA requirements for electronic diversion control.

Student Scheduler

Student Scheduler is a system designed to allow Medical companies to create schedule's for multiple events and each student can schedule them self for each event (clinical/ride time) for available time slots.

Can control how many students per company and max schedules per student for the month.

Students get email/sms daily for their schedule that is coming up in 2 days and a weekly schedule every Sunday night.

Each medical company setup within the system can view all the students scheduled for each month


© Seabay Software Developers, LLC. - Looking for information e-Mail Seabay Software

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